23 June 2019

Green thumbs are invited to roll up their sleeves and help plant 4000 native plants in Melbourne’s west at the 14th annual Grow West Community Planting Day.
The 2019 planting day will be held on Sunday 21st July 2019, 9:30am – 4pm at 155 Falcon’s Track, Ingliston.
The annual planting day is one of the Grow West’s biggest events and is an important opportunity to rejuvenate and restore local landscapes.
Over the past 15 years, Grow West has worked with thousands of volunteers and hundreds of landholders, who have helped plant over a million trees in the Upper Werribee Catchment.
This year, the planting day will be held at two adjoining properties in Ingliston, totalling 123 hectares. The properties adjoin W. James Whyte Island Reserve (The Island) and are only a stone’s throw from the Werribee Gorge State Park.
We’ll spend the day planting seedlings, making up and installing tree guards to protect then. There will also be plenty of social time and a BBQ lunch and afternoon tea will be provided.
Register now via Eventbrite
Please register by Sunday 14th July 2019. Please advise of any dietary requirements when registering.
Important information
Please BYO cup, water bottle, plate and cultery to help minimise waste
Bring warm clothes, hat, gloves and sturdy footwear
If you have any further questions, please contact Helena Lindorff at helena.lindorff@ppwcma.vic.gov.au or 0437 195 511.
About the event
This annual event is run in partnership with Port Phillip and Westernport CMA – Grow West Program, Victorian National Park Association, Friends of Werribee Gorge and Long Forest Mallee, Bacchus Marsh Lions Club, Victorian Mobile Landcare Group, Melbourne Water Stream Frontage Program, 15 Trees & G.J. Gardner Homes, Bacchus Marsh Community Bank.
The event has been funded through the Greening the West – 1 Million Tree program which is supported by the Australian Government’s 20 Million Trees Program (part of the National Landcare Program) and Melbourne Water Stream Frontage Program.