Grow West is truly a collaborative landscape restoration program in the west of Melbourne, where local communities work together with all levels of government, businesses and organisations to achieve the best outcome for the region in the most effective and sustainable way.
To continue this landscape change process we need your support. If you are a landholder who values land productivity and sustainable resource use, then Grow West wants to partner with you. Grow West can tailor a biodiversity project that meets your needs and aspirations and that helps you attain your environmental goals.
By becoming involved in Grow West, landholders have access to:
- Assistance to plan and implement a land restoration project
- Funding to carry out approved projects
- Links to complimentary schemes such as Melbourne Water’s Stream Frontage Management Program
- Educational workshops and field days
Expression of Interest: Biodiversity Land Bank
Register your interest through our Biodiversity Land Bank and Grow West will assist you in implementing your land restoration project when funding becomes available. You will also receive our enewsletters where you can keep up-to-date with current events and grant opportunities.
When project funds become available, they are allocated to successful applicants on a cost-share basis depending on the size of the project area, grant conditions, whether it is remnant protection and enhancement, pest plant and animal control and/or revegetation.
Landowners have the following options:
- To contribute their portion to the project financially
- And/or provide inkind labour
Eligible materials and works include:
- Fencing of remnant vegetation
- Weed control
- Rabbit baiting, harbour removal, warren destruction
- Native seedling / direct seeding
- Tree guards
- Soil preparation for revegetation
- Erosion control works which will have environmental benefits
Grow West will assess and prioritise the applications according to some of the following attributes:
- Close proximity to remnant vegetation, public reserves and other revegetation sites
- Adjoining neighbours undertaking similar works
- Significant flora or fauna present on the property
- An endangered vegetation community requiring work