24 June 2023

Green thumbs are invited to roll up their sleeves and help plant 5,000 native plants on Wadawurrung Country at the Ballan Treatment Plant for the annual Grow West Community Planting Day on Sunday 16th July 2023.
The annual planting day is one of Grow West’s biggest events and is an important opportunity to rejuvenate and restore local landscapes.
We are excited to be working with Central Highlands Water at the Ballan Treatment Plant. This is an important site in the landscape, with the Werribee River marking the northern boundary. We will be planting along the eastern boundary fence of the property and along an escarpment of a creek that runs into the Werribee River at the site. These plantings will improve connectivity through the site, connecting habitat in the rail reserve at the south of the site to the escarpment planting in the north.
The planting at this site will improve connectivity through the landscape and will link to previous Grow West plantings, including some new revegetation projects occurring this planting season.
Grow West Community Planting Day Flyer.
We ask that you register to help with planning for the day. This includes catering for morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea. Please make sure you register a ticket for every attendee, including children. Registration will be open until the 9th July.
Grow West is a partnership between Melbourne Water, Moorabool Shire Council, City of Melton, Moorabool Landcare Network, Parks Victoria, DEECA, Southern Rural Water and Greater Western Water.
The Grow West Community Planting Day is an annual event run by Grow West. This year it is being run in partnership with Melbourne Water, Moorabool Shire Council, Central Highlands Water, Wadawurrung Traditional Owners Aboriginal Corporation, Friends of Werribee Gorge and Long Forest Mallee, Moorabool Landcare Network, Fifteen Trees, Bacchus Marsh Lions Club and Victorian Mobile Landcare Group.