30 October 2018

On the 29th October 2018, the Minister for Water, the Hon. Lisa Neville, released the Werribee Integrated Water Management (IWM) Forum Strategic Directions Statement (SDS).
The Werribee SDS is the the culmination of many months of work and collaboration through the IWM forums and working groups. The framework has been created to help government, the water sector and the community work together to better plan, manage and deliver water in Victoria’s towns and cities.
The Werribee SDS focuses on the regional context, shared vision and strategic water related outcomes for the Werribee catchment. The document includes a prioritised list of Integrated Water Management opportunities that have been developed in collaboration with IWM partners .
The Werribee SDS acknowledges the work of Grow West (page 32) and recognises that the program can play a pivotal role in the priorities for the future of the catchment, including the creation of nature links.
View the Werribee Strategic Directions Statement (web link)
Learn more about Integrated Water Management in Victoria
In addition, the Maribyrnong SDS proritises the Maribyrnong Valley Nature Links and the Riddell’s Creek Recycled Water Plant offsets as projects where the Port Phillip And Westernport CMA can collaborate.