20 April 2022
Thanks to all the applicants for this revegetation initiatives. We are currently assessing the expressions of interest and will get back to applicants by the end of June 2022.
Grow West has received funding from Parks Victoria through the Three Rivers Project.
This funding will assist Grow West with coordinating the 2022 Grow West Community Planting Day but it also has allowed us to offer seedling and tree guards to our landholders.
Do you have a revegetation project or shelter belt that you would like to plant this year?
We have 4,000 seedlings and milk carton guards available to landholders for a revegetation project for this year.
The seedlings are being grown by the Moorabool Landcare Nursery and will be available in July.
The seedlings that have been chosen are suitable for the Grow West Region and we will supply you with 1 litre milk carton guards.
You will need to do the site preparation, weed and rabbit control and planting.
To register your interest you will need to complete the form below and provide a map, if you can.
Expressions of interest close on Monday 17th May 2022.