1 October 2020

It has been a quiet year on the landscape change front, with only three sites participating in revegetation activities and the cancellation of a major community event.
G.J Gardener Homes Bacchus Marsh via 15 Trees and Tripod Farmers Bacchus Marsh sponsored 480 indigenous plants to be planted on a local farm in Rowsley. Getting the trees in the ground was a family affair with even the kids getting involved! (pictured above left).
The last of the Greening the West 1 Million Trees project participant, planted 11,375 seedlings and undertook 44km of direct seeding this season.
The much-anticipated annual Grow West Community Planting Day event, which normally attracts 200-300 volunteers from across the region, sadly had to be cancelled.
We are happy to report that the site has now been planted by contractors with 6,300 seedlings across an area of 13.8 hectares, along 2.3km of Balliang Creek. Pictured above is the three generations that live on the farm watching the trees grow.
A big thanks to our sponsors; Melbourne Water, Bacchus Marsh Community Bank, Bacchus Marsh Lions Club, Foundation for Rural & Regional Renewal- ANZ Seeds for Renewal Program, and the Australian Government Communities for Environment Program for making this happen.
Despite all the challenges that 2020 has presented, Grow West and its landholders were able to continue contributing to a greener, brighter future for our children, by planting 18,155 indigenous plants in the upper Werribee Catchment.