6 December 2019

The Grow West Community Planting Day has been an annual event for close to 15 years and has a seen a whopping 3,300 volunteers put 60,000 plants in the ground.
It impact is huge, not only for the environment, but the communities living in Upper Werribee Catchment, but finding the funds to run it year after year isn’t always easy.
A huge thank you to the Bacchus Marsh Community Bank Branch who have provided Grow West with a $1000 grant to help fund their 2020 community planting day in Balliang.
Bacchus Marsh Community Bank Branch are long time supporters of Grow West and the planting day, as well as the broader Bacchus Marsh community. Through their recent community grants program they provided 35 community groups with shared in $130,000, made possible by the customers of the bank.
Thank you to Judy Douglas, community representatives on the Grow West planting day committee and Friends of Werribee Gorge & Long Forest Mallee Inc., for accepting the cheque on behalf of the committee.
The 2020 Grow West Community Planting Day will be held on Sunday 19th July in Balliang. Join the Grow West mailing list for updates.