23 December 2020

Grow West is excited to announce that they are partnering with 15 Trees, Gardens for Wildlife and Moorabool Shire Council, for the 2021 Grow West Community Planting Day, which will be held at Kel Shields Flora Reserve in Bacchus Marsh.
The annual planting day, which was sadly cancelled in 2020, will be held on Saturday 5 June to celebrate World Environment Day).
The six hectare site, located in the township of Bacchus Marsh, forms an important urban biolink, connecting the escarpment with the Werribee River that runs through town. The aim of the works will be to rehabilitate an escarpment back to an open Grassy Woodland ecosystem.
It currently has a healthy cover of nine native grass species, dotted with the locally endemic Bacchus Marsh Varnish Wattle and the rare Fragrant Salt Bush.
Unfortunately, the site is also host to Peppercorns, Boxthorn and Prickly Pear. Thankfully, with the help of Moorabool Shire’s bush crew and the Port Phillip and Westernport Catchment Management Authority’s Environment and Agriculture Work Crews, we have been able to remove a large portion of the weeds from the site.
For more information on 2021 Grow West Community Planting Day and to be informed when registrations open, sign up to the Grow West enewsletter.